Thursday 12 July 2012


We've heard of "personalised everything". And what makes it extra special is giving out a piece that will not only introduce a product, but also remain with as a treasured piece every time you read a book.

A piece of memory. A piece of Arachne. Your Arachne invite has now been designed and is ready to reach you. A unique bookmark that will stay with you long after the event, this bookmark boasts of several rich shades and a DIY fabric bloom that will fill colour in your life. Just goes on to show how we treasure the smallest of details. We learnt how to make this flower from DDurango, here, and you can try it too!

We'd love to see how yours turned out, so don't forget to post pictures of the finished product. Also, do leave us a request with your details for an invite to reach you!

For a walk through the Arachne Collection, visit us during the Arachne Gala Diaries at The Factory Outlet (opp Ferns Meadows, Bili Shivale, Off Hennur Main Road), or call us at (+91) 8088402182/ 9008667200/9844381897.

Or log on to for some hands on shopping. 

Watch this space for more decor related fun with Arachne and a day by day report on the Arachne Gala Diaries!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Arachne's Gala Diaries

The Arachne Gala Diaries are here. What are the Gala Diaries? They are a vision of the decor future. They are a series of events starting on the 14th of July. A series of events that herald the A listers in the decor industry: exclusive patchwork linen. Bedspread, table linen, curtains and the option to customise for a look that truly speaks of you and your space. Luxury at its very best - Arachne at its very best! So join us at Arachne for an experience you will probably never forget. And oh, did we mention - you'll be greeted by a 15% discount on every purchase! 

As the poster will display, the range of home furnishings and home linen is absolutely amazing. Like a breath of fresh air, your home or space will get an entirely new lease of life. The products include bedspreads, bed sheets, cushion covers, curtains, table linen like table mats and runner sets with napkins thrown in...and so much more. This spiffy collection of home furnishing is exclusive and something that you may have never seen before!

So join Arachne for a once in a lifetime series of events that kick start at Bangalore from the 14th of July, 2012 and last until the 22nd of July. 

The address:
The Arachne Store and Factory Outlet
Opp Ferns Meadows, 
Bili Shivale, Off Hennur Main Road

Monday 26 September 2011

Attention Grabbers

Image Courtesy:

Wall stickers - a trend long buried, and revived recently, or a whole new concept of making a style statement? While wallpaper has come into its own as an entire industry, stickers were so far constricted to diary covers and at max, the whims of a toddler in the confines of her nursery. 

A look at stickers, especially like the ones displayed on, will show a whole new range of style statements meant for all - the bold, the expressive, the subtlety lovers, the classy and all. With neutral being the new colour, making a statement about you, your personality, and the people you entertain within that space, is paramount. Colour and shape are not restricted to accent furniture or pillows anymore - stickers add that right amount of whimsical class in all the right doses. Plus, with today's hectic life pace, one does crave an indulgence of imagination without having to step out of the house all that often. Eclectic is also the new decor style everyone is craving - this option may be for you if you're looking to incorporate the same in small doses. On the downside, there is the scope of getting utterly bored of a very loud sticker and suddenly wanting a whole new look. Well, they said that about wallpaper as well, right?

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Pop goes the...

(Image Courtesy:
Retro, pop art or simply Indian wow, homes are embracing colour, and how! The picture above shows a creation from the house of Arachne. Notice how the braids signify a typically vibrant Indian/South American feel, with the colours playing up in subtle drama. Who had ever thought that drama and subtely could come across so well in bright colours? Well, its now a reality - and here to stay. And the tie backs add fun in detail.

With industrial spaces and non descript greys and beige to welcome you at work everyday, it is no wonder that the soul craves colour at home. So it is back to basics - grandma's old braided mats, old sarees are robbed of their zardozi borders to enhance a solid coloured cushion, low seating from the old family home - polished or maybe not (for that raw feel). Suddenly, cosy seems like the go to theme for all homes. This symbolises not only a shift in priorities but also the solution to a fine balance. Career AND family? Well, why not!

Monday 19 September 2011

The Great Outdoors

 (Image Courtesy:

Time spent more than generously at work stations, in the kitchen or anywhere indoors has given rise to a conscious need for escape. And what better place than the great outdoors? Adventure sports, long walks, hikes or something as simple as a long drive, are suddenly the statement that our weekends are craving for.

How does this translate in style terms? Well, to begin with, a merging of the indoor outdoor divide is well underway, if recent trends are to be believed. From driftwood for tables, to leaf motifs on cushions - it's all over the house. Outdoor furnaces and framed wall art of shells and pretty branches collected on a weekend away are also fast catching on. A courtyard for green relief, indoor gardens and terrariums are now the perfect style statements that infuse the great indoors with the even greater outdoors. Typically, an average household will turn to a barbeque evening to entertain guests - keeps the indoors clutterfree, and makes better use of outdoor spaces for seating and casual dining.

Which brings us to the all important point of how casual? For starters, the concept of using the outdoors as an inspiration for decor or entertaining, does involve having a laid back attitude to carry off the said trend. Imagine a Jacobean Style dining room and whimsical jute napkin rings - a complete mismatch!

The perfect solution here is to work in small doeses. If your formal dining room opens onto a terrace or a verandah, you would do well to have seating outside in wrought iron and wall art in similar metal frames (varnished in a glossy finish, maybe?), for a constant look. A jute rug between your formal and informal spaces can be tied in with a lifting white silver polish for the wood in your formal space, and colourful ottoman for coffee tables in your informal space. Demarcation and style statement in equal doses! This is where the basic colours of your walls, soft furnishings and kind of lifestyle come in. Do you entertain often? Pets or kids in the house? Working couple? The answer is simple - easy clean for an easy home. If not, then you have the luxury of indulging a little more!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

No Time + Lots of Energy = Shopping!

A generation in constant hurry is how I describe us. Actually the whole world right now. The deadline for everything was yesterday, the food takes too long to microwave, kids take too long to potty train...the list just goes on and on.

My question is: what came first - the itching hurry or the fact that mundane things suddenly seem like they take forever?

It therefore comes as no surprise that change has indeed become the only constant. In a bid to 'keep up' and 'simplify', we re do our spaces every so often; are on the constant lookout for new (and fast!) supper recepies; try out every new makeover we can make time is like an endless quest.

Well, suits the market fine I guess. Decor options now come easy on the pocket and DIY has become every home's favorite chant. And for those truly in a hurry, a splurge once in a while is ALWAYS well justified (sniff, i totally deserved to spend $xxx on that dress!) Ok, look at it this way. Imagine getting a new table runner at half the cost of dry cleaning + the gas spent to and fro. Suddenly makes sense, right? Well, you're not alone. There's an entire organised market (also called like therapy) catering to such logic now.

So, what if you get off the shelf DIY style (yes, that's really how it works, the only thing DIY about the whole experience is picking it out yourself and placing it to the best of your decor sensibilities in your space), AND at an affordable cost? My personal favorites are, and numerous one line - picture heavy features in those decor and lifestyle magazines. Pillow covers, a pair of sheer curtains (a pair at a time actually), candlesticks, photo is crazy out there!

And the best part? No one's complaining!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Experiment...or maybe not!

Variety is the spice of life - we all know that. But. How often do you experiment? Not really? Too often - and many a times with unsatisfactory results? Well ok, here's what I think.

Lifestyle issues like decor and food have come to enjoy the attention of researchers, capturing the fancy of millions of readers of magazines pertaining to the said topics, before finally trickling down into a blog (not this one - I can assure you!) A yellow wall is the final outcome of a single, well thought out, experiment process by multiple home owners. Options like chocolate brown and teal either go horribly wrong, or do not get an iota of attention as a possible idea. Similarly with food - whether for everyday cooking or entertaining.

It therefore comes as a welcome change to find a brand that carries out these experiments (successfully!), with just that right amount of practicality in design and finally - use within a decor statement. In fact, more often than not, such products end up making the statement in an otherwise ho hum space. My personal favorite is, among many, many others. Do you have one too?

If not, even a decor fear or experiment gone wrong will do!